Board of Directors
Dale H. Bernardoni
John McGannon
Frederick T. Crosby, President
The Rev. Rebecca T. Crosby
Juliann K. Martel, Secretary
Edward G. Perkins, Treasurer
Thomas E. Sherer, Vice President
Vaudy Jean Baptiste, (ex officio)
Board of Advisors
Luquece Belizaire, Deschapelles
Marco Desir, Petite Riviere de l’Artibonite
Kesner Dutreuil, Deschapelles
Mara LaLa Etiverne Ceus, La Chapelle
Bernadette Florestant, Petite Riviere
John Junior Mendel Mesidor, Verrettes & Liancourt
Vaudy Jean Baptiste (ex officio), Port-au-Prince